Sulforaphene is a bioactive nutrigenomic molecule, capable of ‘switching on’ our protective cellular genes, which ignite the body’s defence mechanisms against chronic illness.


The air we breathe, water we drink and sometimes the food we eat all contain chemicals that can build up in our system causing numerous health problems. Our bodies have a natural detoxing process to get rid of these molecules. Sulforaphene is the bioactive compound released from certain plants that can enhance this process. The daikon radish seed releases the highest available sulforaphene. Other cruciferous vegetables, like broccoli, are also effective, as they contain a similar molecule known as sulforaphane.

Latest research shows us that genes respond to signals they receive from inside and outside our bodies. Sulforaphene can activate over 200 of the genes known to help defend the health of our cells. This activation switch is known as Nrf2. When Nrf2 switches on, it can lower inflammation and reduce oxidative stress.

These upstream cellular health benefits include:

  • Reduction of all symptoms of inflammation, thereby supporting: joint health, heart health, brain health, gut health, and our immunity

  • Reduction of symptoms of toxicity: thereby improving brain fog, cellulite, weight gain, fatigue, and sluggish bowel

For more information about Nrf2:

1. Nrf2 much of a good thing:

2. An overview of Nrf2 signalling pathway and its role in inflammation:

3. Nrf2 and oxidative stress: A general overview of mechanisms and implications in human disease:


Just 0.6 g (¼ tsp) twice a day of Powr Nutrients Freeze-dried + Blended Daikon Radish Seeds can change the body’s detox ability significantly over time. Research shows us that the amount of sulforaphene needed to start Nrf2 activity is between 7.8 – 18.9 uM or 2 – 4 ug/ml. Powr Nutrients Freeze-dried + Blended Daikon Radish Seeds yield 8.6 mg sulforaphene per 0.6 g (¼ tsp). This means that if it is taken on an empty stomach, twice a day, it is more than sufficient to achieve this.
(See the link to the study:

** Note: Higher doses are used in certain conditions by health practitioners; however it is advised to use only what is needed by the body to be effective.